Tuesday 8 October | 120, 131 |
Wednesday 9 October | 257, 272 |
Thursday 10 October | 343, 349, 351, 368, 371, 397, 418, 428 |
Thursday 1 August | 349 |
Saturday 3 August | 418 |
Tuesday 13 August | 428 |
Wednesday 14 August | 368 |
Friday 30 August | 351 |
Monday 2 September | 257 |
Wednesday 4 September | 343, 397 |
Friday 6 September | 120, 371 |
Wednesday 11 September | 131 |
Friday 13 September | 272 |
Monday 14 October | 594, 635 |
Tuesday 15 October | 825, 932, 942 |
Wednesday 16 October | 990 |
Friday 9 August | 825 |
Sunday 25 August | 635 |
Wednesday 28 August | 942 |
Wednesday 11 September | 594, 990 |
Thursday 12 September | 932 |
Thursday 17 October | 1263, 1303, 1396, 1444, 1448, 1481, 1526 |
Friday 18 October | 1533, 1547, 1629, 1646, 1714, 1744, 1745, 1779, 1784 |
Friday 2 August | 1481, 1533 |
Friday 9 August | 1779 |
Tuesday 13 August | 1547, 1745 |
Wednesday 14 August | 1744 |
Wednesday 28 August | 1714 |
Thursday 29 August | 1784 |
Wednesday 4 September | 1646 |
Thursday 5 September | 1263 |
Friday 6 September | 1444 |
Monday 9 September | 1526 |
Thursday 12 September | 1303, 1396, 1448, 1629 |
Friday 18 October | 1812, 1813, 1843 |
Friday 2 August | 1813 |
Tuesday 13 August | 1843 |
Thursday 12 September | 1812 |
Latest withdrawal: 13:40, Friday 13 September. Lots shown bold withdrawn within last hour. Current time: 18:33, 15/9/24.
Note: if you have a Tattersalls online account, you can mark the lots you are interested in there, and we will email you if any of them is withdrawn. (You can register for an online account here.)